June 24th, 2007
Our second day in Sevilla is winding down but the heat is definitely not. We arrived yesterday and shortly after checking in to our hotel, which by the way is beautiful, we went out for a walking orientation of the city but soon after starting our walk our guide, Gary realized that we were all melting in the sun and everyone was falling behind so we cut the walk short. Victoria and I decided to walk back to the hotel, but only after getting some cold and much earned ice-cream I got the lemon and mango sherbet, it was so refreshing.
Dinner at the hotel was also excellent, although it was nearly 100 degrees outside we had chicken soup for dinner, it seemed that everyone loved it because there was hardly any plated still full, the second course was pork sirloin and watermelon for desert.
Today had been a full day again. We had a 7 am wakeup call and breakfast at 8 am, the breakfast was so good, I wanted to eat everything that they had, I could not get enough of the fresh squeezed orange juice. After eating we had a guided tour to the Plaza España.
The highlight of my day was going to the Museo de Bellas Artes, where I saw an original Picasso painting, La Planchadora. I had dreamed of seeing an original Pablo Picasso painting and today it happen. I was amazed to be standing in front of this magnificent work of art. Today we also I had the opportunity to visit the tomb of Christobal Colon, that was something spectacular, to be standing in front of the final resting place of the man who discovered the Americas, and to think that it was thanks to him that I am here was mind boggling.
Well my time is coming up to get off the computer since there is people waiting to use the computer. I will post more once I arrive to Madrid.

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